Ethan Holleman

Posts with the tag blogs:

Poker Nights Running Results

Y axis of all plots are unit-less. Running stack sizes Shows each players cumulative stack over all nights played. Winnings by date Plot of each players winnings (stack at the end of the round - buy in) over time. All games have been played virtually, for info on how we host these see this post.

Casual virtual Poker with Zoom and

Update I recently found a number of .io type websites devoted specifically to poker (not sure why didn’t think to search poker .io earlier) which get around the main issues of playing using I would highly, highly recommend using It handles betting with shortcuts for bets based on pot or blind sizes, handles turns automatically and does not require a sign up. For Poker, lipoker is supporior in every way to due to being designed for this specific game. If for some reason you would still like to use continue reading, otherwise stop and use

Data and the Vietnam War

Turning the jungle into punch cards During the early optimistic days of the summer 2020 quarantine I watched Ken Burn’s fantastic 10 part 18-hour series on the Vietnam war. It is by far the most accessible and compressive body of work on the subject. Burn’s starts you off pre-WWI so you really get a comprehensive picture of things. One of the aspects of the war that fascinated me the most was the push by the the then Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, to quantify as much of the war as was computationally possible. One of the most storage intensive of McNamara’s efforts was the Hamlet Evaluation System, which attempted to quantify the degree to which ~12,000 small, rural Vietnamese villages had been pacified.

Fishing at Putah Creek

Day trip out to Putah Creek in Winters CA. A few turkeys we saw before leaving Davis. The spot in the creek we picked out. Erica practicing casting. Testing out the waders.

Using local R packages on UC Davis Genome Center cluster

I ran into a few issues trying to figure out how to run batch scripts on the Genome Center cluster. One of the least documented and hardest to figure out was how to successfully load R packages I had installed to my user directory. For example I would start R and install a package I needed and load the library with no problem. The code below would run without a problem. install.packages("glmnet") library(glmnet) But then calling the running the same script from a batch file fails to import the library. I tried multiple possible fixes with no success until I was tipped of by a current lab member about the magic word.

Letter to D113 school board

This was a letter I wrote to my local high school district board during the early days of lock down titled “Creative Approaches in This Coming School Year”. This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it: Download PDF.