Ethan Holleman

Posts with the tag blogs:

How to actually connect to UC Davis campus wifi (Eduroam) on Linux

Update for Jammy Jellyfish users: May 2022 If you recently updated to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) you may have found yourself unable to connect to Eduroam. This seems to be due to a weird ssl issue with Eduroam that I do not currently pretend to understand but no one cares about that anyway. You want answers. Here is what worked for me which is based off of this bug report. Open /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf in your favorite text editor. Add the following lines to the beginning of the file. openssl_conf = openssl_init [openssl_init] ssl_conf = ssl_sect [ssl_sect] system_default = system_default_sect [system_default_sect] Options = UnsafeLegacyRennegotiation Save and reboot.

2021 candidacy for IGG education policy officer

I have been interested in education since my undergraduate career. While working towards my undergrad degree in bioinformatics, I designed and presented a short series of lectures at a local assisted living facility focused on building proficiency with technology as a means of independence. The series covered the very basics of computer and internet usage; how to email a picture, write a letter with a word processor, and spot common signs of phishing scams. The hour sessions were, in all honesty, slow, painful, and inexplicably seemed to elicit pseudo-existential questions from the participants like “Where does a window end and another begin?

2021 candidacy for IGG GSA representative

Over the past academic year, I have worked as a member of the Legislative Affairs Committee (LAC); a GSA committee that works to track federal and state policy that may impact UC students as it is proposed and progresses through the legislature. The reviews that the committee performs eventually help inform the positions of the UC Graduate and Professional Council who’s members advocate for graduate and professional students to the UC Regents and in state and federal legislatures. My focus as part of the committee was to improve the efficiency of the review and tracking of State legislative items. After learning how legislative tracking is done within the committee I identified monotonous tasks like navigating the California legislative website, searching for keywords, and summarizing bills and built a program to automate these tasks, which is freely available for anyone to use.

Implementing and visualizing Conway's Game of Life

I took the day off today to recover from second round of the covid vaccine and spent a little while implementing my own version of Conway’s Game of Life in Python. Here’s an example of a simulation involving a grid of 500 x 500 cells. When initializing the first generation each cell had a 0.3 probability of starting as a living cell (start-as-living probability). Increasing this value will increase the number of cells the grid is initialized with. I ran the simulation for 100 generations. and with a 0.1 start-as-living probability. I was curious how changing the starting probability of a cell starting the simulation as living would effect the game as it progressed.

Trip to Death Valley National Park

Quick stop at Truckee lake on the way out of California. Two abandoned structures just outside of Hawthorn, Nevada. The somewhat ill-conceived Clown Motel. Although as someone who as worked with professional clowns I am not one to malign the occupation; clowns are an extremely hard working bunch. Most roads past Reno heading towards Death Valley look something like this. Invasive Burros (donkeys) running through the scrub. Burros were unintentionally introduced to Nevada after escaping from early mining towns. Lady Desert The Venus, part of the Goldwell Open Air Museum by Dr.Hugo Heyrman in Rhyolite, Nevada; an abandoned mining town. Constructed before the popularization of Minecraft.

Finalist at the Cornell Institute For Digital Agriculture Hackathon!

A while ago when I was reading through my graduate group’s weekly bullitin I saw a solicitation for the Cornell Institute For Digital Agriculture (CIDA) Hackathon. I had not participated in a Hackathon before and it looked interesting so I applied, was selected, and kind of forgot about it until last weekend when I needed to find and join a team. I ended up finding a great group of students from the Netherlands, Brazil and Ohio worked with them on our project proposal basically my entire waking Saturday. Our group decided to focus on the food waste challenge category with out central idea being an app that would connect food waste medium scale food waste producers like restaurants to similar scaled consumers, such as farmers who utilize food wastes for composts or animal feed.

Bug in California legislative information bill search text highlighting

Recently I was working on automating some legislation tracking tasks for the UC Davis Legislative Affairs Committee and noticed a potential bug in displaying the results of bill information searches and wanted to note it. If you are interested in California legislation you can go to the state website and search for bills by a number of parameters, including by keywords. Which brings up a number of bills. Clicking on one gives us the bill’s full text with out keyword highlighted. The bug occurs when we search for specific html tags like div or span. When these terms are searched the source html ends up being rendered on the actual page with tags highlighted.

Polo paper published in the Journal of Applied Crystallography!

Polo: an open-source graphical user interface for crystallization screening was just published in the Journal of Applied Crystallography. It is my first academic paper as well as my first first-author paper. Please check out the article at this link! Below are a few of the figures from the article, click to be taken to the full descriptions.

Scraping cannabis strain data

Recently I was asked by a friend if they knew about any databases that classified cannabis strains by symptoms people tend to use them to relieve. I didn’t know of the existence of any but had heard about which catalogues user reviews of various cannabis strains and compiles data on their characteristics. I thought this could be a good place for them to start and so I started looking into what it would take to make a webscrapper to pull down all the data leafly has complied on hundreds on cannabis strains. It turns out it didn’t take that much.

What would recursive academic citations look like?

The way academic citations are measured currently is pretty standardized. Authors of article A accrue a citation whenever their article is directly cited in article B. But there is likely a large amount of work that was cited by article A but not by article B. The authors of this work which indirectly contributed to article B by contributing to article A (which B cites) will not see a citation. What if instead citing one article triggered a recursive call all the way down the network formed by articles and their citations? Would this end up eventually citing almost all articles in a field?